November 10, 2008
Members Present: Bill Dedominicis, Nancy Sieller, Cindy Donaldson, George Noujaim, TJ Zappulla, Greg Mele, JoAnn Ryan,
Members Absent:
Rollie Spino, Mayor Bingham, Bill Battle
Also Present: Rose Ponte
Commissioner Donaldson called the meeting to order at 5:30 PM
1. Open Meeting to Public
Commissioner Sieller made the motion to open the meeting to the public and Commissioner Zappulla, seconded the motion. Motion carried.
2. Approval of the minutes.
Commissioner Zappulla made the motion to approve the October 7, 2008 minutes and Commissioner Mele, seconded the motion. Approval of the minutes passed unanimously.
3. Overview of Architectural Review Committee : Marc Trivella guest
Marc Trivella gave an overview of the architectural review committee. The committee makes recommendations and guidelines to projects that will appear before P&Z. They have a pamphlet that gives an overview of the appropriate designs. The committee asks of the proposed developments the following: Is this development aesthetically pleasing? How can it work well with the development that already exists in town? How can the design be improved? They will routinely ask the developer to choose their “A” building. Discussions concerning timing, expense, business friendliness took place. After Marc finished his presentation the EDC had a much better understanding of the process.
4. Change the zoning regulation for downtown.
The proposed music school for downtown withdrew their contract. Marty and Rose will look into this change and make certain that any change includes as much specifics as possible. Commissioners want any change to P&Z regulations to reflect accepted or approved regulations.
5. Brownfield’s Update:
The Mayor’s Brownfield’s selection committee interviewed four finalist and unanimously chose HRP to be the environmental consultant for the upcoming Brownfield’s grant.
6. UCONN Initiative Update
After meeting in October it was decided that the initiative will be called the Litchfield County Compact for Higher ED. Commissioner Noujaim reported that this will be modeled after the Berkshire Compact. He will be reporting as things progress.
7. Torrington Arts and Cultural Commission.
Rose presented the ACT Commission to the City Council and they approved to move ahead with the proposal. Once the ordinances are written the City Council will review them and vote whether or not to establish it as a commission. In the meantime they continue to meet and have taken the task of enhancing the popular Light Up Main Event. They have planned 1000 luminaries to line the route, music to play outside the Historical Society and Main Street, and they will contact downtown building owners to display snowmen created by Torrington elementary school children. Each downtown merchant will receive a letter detailing the event.
8. Torrington Business Marketing Package
Commissioner Donaldson asked to table this item; it will be discussed during January’s monthly meeting.
9. New Business
Commissioner Dedominicis announced that this would be his last meeting. He is moving to New Hartford. He has served for many years on the EDC. He praised the present EDC for their energy and has high hopes for many completed projects. Commissioner Dedominicis has been a devoted EDC member and he will be missed.
Commissioner Zappulla made a motion to adjourn the meeting at 7:45 and Commissioner Mele seconded the motion. The motion carried.
The meeting was adjourned at 7:45 PM